Every character has their own unique Statistics made up of the following:
STRength - bodily strength, fitness, and athleticism
DEXterity - finesse, hand-eye co-ordination and reflexes
CONstitution - physical toughness, tenacity, and mental concentration
INTelligence - mental acuity, education, and quick-wittedness
WISdom - foresight, sagacity, and awareness
CHArisma - force of personality, self-confidence, and will
Put the below modifiers into the above statistics as you desire.
Each of the classic classes from D&D represents a specific career path within
the Bladewind Brigade - and each provides a mechanical benefit of +1 to two stats, and +1 to two skills.
There are four primary ancestries in Elarian, which have co-existed and intermingled for millenia - in addition to numerous minorities. Each provides a mechanical benefit to stats of your choice.
Most unique to each character is their backstory - what makes them
them. Life experience provides a +1 to two additional skills.