## P11d. Torture Chamber
This scene takes place in Chapter 4, Areas K76 & K77.
This area is largely as described in K76. Torture Chamber (p. 82) and K77. Observation Balcony (p. 82). However, remove the reference to the “last victims" of the torture devices in the water. In addition, replace the six **Strahd zombies** with three **zombies**, and add a three-foot amphora and an *alchemy jug* beside the thrones on the balcony. The amphora is filled with several gallons of oil, which is otherwise as described in Oil (Flask) (Player’s Handbook, p. 152).
> [!info]+ **Climbing the Balcony**
> A successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check is required to climb the edge of the observation balcony.
If the players failed to placate Volenta during [[Arc O - Dinner with the Devil#Volenta’s Toy|Arc O - Dinner with the Devil]], the corpse of Anton Konstantinovich has been turned into an additional **zombie** and is seated in the right-side throne of K77. Observation Balcony (p. 82). If combat breaks out, or if any non-undead creatures approach within 5 feet of its throne, this **zombie** attacks and pursues the nearest living creatures within the area.
Otherwise, if the players successfully placated Volenta at dinner, Anton Konstaninovich is imprisoned within a rusted, metallic cage hanging above the southwest corner of the chamber. Though he can’t speak due to his missing tongue, Anton attempts to use gestures and grunts to warn the players of the zombies that dwell within the water, and is grateful to players who rescue him.